Help us Raise Funds to Support our InVitro Surrogate Baby

I am 29 and married with 3 kids. When I was 26 I had to have a full hysterectomy due to health reasons. We have always felt our family was missing something and wanted more children. This last week my mother in law – who is 57 years old offered to be a surrogate host for a baby for us. My younger sister who is 20 has offered to provide the eggs and my husband of course will be the sperm donor. We had to call many reproductive centers to find a doctor who would take our case because 57 is extremely old for surrogacy and may be the oldest in the state of AZ. Our first consultation is end of March so this is when the journey would begin. I think it is an interesting situation and would be a great story for people to follow. We are looking for some kind of way to raise funds for this very expensive endeavor and thought you might have ideas for us.

I feel touched and loved that I have people in my life who love me so much to do this for me. How beautiful that in today's world between my loved ones a baby can be created for us to add to our family. It is unusual for a mother-in-law to surrogate - most grandmother surrogates are the mom's mother. Also for my sister to be willing to go through the hormone therapy and surgery required for her egg donations is such a self-less act. So God willing we will have a baby borne by it's grandmother and created from it's aunt and father and raised with much love by this mother.

We are estimating that the total cost for our baby making process will be between $30,000-$50,000 depending on the extent of the hospital charges etc.

I work full time and my husband stays home with our children who are 3,5 & 7. We do not have the means to make this happen but are having faith that if it is meant to be then we will find a way!